pregnancy and the use of essential oils in aromatherapy

There are some divided ideas on the dangers of certain essential oils used in aromatherapy during pregnancy, but since this time should be a time to enjoy and to prepare for the upcoming birth of your child, it would be wise to rather give some essential oils a miss.

There are some compounds in certain essential oils that have hormone-like behavior because of their molecular structure and although there is no conclusive evidence on the effect of estrogenic oils it would be prudent to avoid anethole rich oils, like fennel and aniseed during pregnancy.

Some essential oils are however not toxic but have emmenagogue action, which is to help to promote and regulate the menstrual flow (periods), and should be avoided during pregnancy.

We have compiled a list below, in which we endeavored to list all the oils which we think should not be used for massage while you are pregnant.

We have compiled the list from all known oils that may in some way or other interfere with this very special time, but give nor infer any guarantee or warranty of safety for any oil not included on this list.

If you are unsure if an oil can be used, kindly refer it to your licensed medical practitioner for their advice and directions.

Essential oils to be avoided in pregnancy
Aromatherapy can be a great benefit during pregnancy and assists in minimizing some of the discomfort and aches. The following oils should never be used.

  • Almond Bitter (Toxic)
  • Aniseed (Anethole RIch)
  • Angelica (Emmenagogue)
  • Basil (Possible Irritant)
  • Birch (Possible Irritant)
  • Black pepper (Skin sensitization)
  • Boldo Leaf (Toxic)
  • Buchu (liver hazardous)
  • Calamus (Toxic)
  • Camphor (Toxic)
  • Cassia (Skin sensitization)
  • Cedarwood (Emmenagogue)
  • Chamomile (Emmenagogue)
  • Cinnamon (Skin Sensitization & Emmenagogue)
  • Clary Sage (Emmenagogue)
  • Clove (Skin Sensitization)
  • Elecampane (Skin Sensitization)
  • Fennel (Anethole Rich)

  • Fir (Possible Irritant)
  • Ginger (Emmenagogue)
  • Horseradish (Toxic)
  • Hyssop (Could cause toxicity)
  • Jaborandi Leaf (Toxic)
  • Jasmine (Emmenagogue)
  • Juniper (Emmenagogue)
  • Lemon (Possible Irritant)
  • Lemongrass (Possible Irritant)
  • Marjoram (Emmenagogue)
  • Melissa (Possible Irritant)
  • Mugwort (Toxic)
  • Mustard (Toxic)
  • Myrrh (Emmenagogue)
  • Nightshade (Toxic)
  • Nutmeg (Skin Sensitization)
  • Oregano (Skin Sensitization)
  • Parsley Seed (Apiol Rich)
  • Pennyroyal (Toxic)
  • Peppermint (Emmenagogue)
  • Pine (Skin Sensitization)
  • Rose (Emmenagogue)
  • Rosemary (Emmenagogue)
  • Rue (Toxic)
  • Sage (High Thujone Content)
  • Sassafras (Toxic)
  • Savin (Toxic)
  • Savory (Could cause toxicity)
  • Southernwood (Toxic)
  • Stinging Nettle (Toxic)
  • Tansy (Toxic)
  • Thuja (Toxic)
  • Thyme both Red & Linalol (Possible Irritant)
  • Wintergreen (Toxic)
  • Wormseed (Toxic)
  • Wormwood (Toxic)

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