

Ingredients: Arrowroot flour, Coconut Oil, Baking soda

Additives/Fragrance/Color: Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Essential Oil, Orange Essential Oil



If you are looking to get away from the harsh chemicals which are in most anti-perspirants, look no further than Simone & Tuesday. This deodorant keeps you fresh all day while keeping your underarms naturally healthy.

The story of my deodorant

Years ago, I decided to find a natural deodorant and avoid the potentially harmful ingredients in anti-perspirants. A trip to the health food store gave me what I needed but after a few days I ended up with a chemical burn in both my arm pits. At first, I just went back to using anti-perspirant because it worked and did not hurt me. After some time, I decided to try going natural again but instead of looking for a product, I researched recipes. I have used my homemade deodorant for almost a decade and am now sharing it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


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